Tr*mp attempted to fire 12-17 Inspectors General last night
However, he didn't follow the law, so they refuse to leave until he does.
I haven’t made a post like this on here, but, for this story, I want to add my name to the articles you can send around.
Disinformation is being spread by mainstream media, new progressive media, and political influencers alike, so I want to make sure you have the facts everywhere I can share them.
There are two laws in place that make this illegal. The first is the “Inspectors General Reform Act of 2008,” which requires 30 days notice before letting go of any IG.
The second is the “Securing Inspector General Independence Act of 2022” which bars IG removal unless it includes “substantive rationale.” You can find more details on the laws surrounding IGs at Congressional Research Services.
This is the only way anyone should be talking about this story. They were not fired, he tried to fire them, the way he did it is illegal and now they’re fighting back, and they’re not doing so alone.
When we help spread the narrative that he succeeded, we are literally obeying in advance and making the fight against him in general, and this specifically, that much harder.
Because, there is a fight, and guess what, it’s bipartisan (I know you hate that word, but it’s a very good thing, this time.)
First, the IGs themselves issued a statement where they say:
At this point, we do not believe the actions taken are legally sufficient to dismiss Presidentially Appointed, Senate Confirmed Inspectors General.
Next Chuck Grassley, chair of the Senate Judicial Committee told NBC News:
There may be good reason the IGs were fired. We need to know that if so. I’d like further explanation from President Trump. Regardless, the 30 day detailed notice of removal that the law demands was not provided to Congress,
And finally, all House Dem Ranking members signed a letter saying:
We urge you to withdraw your unlawful action and comply with your obligations to the American people.
You may say, well why does legality matter anymore? It matters because of the statements above. As of right now, The Administration is not getting away with this, and it is our job to do everything we can to make sure that continues being true.
And if Grassley is your Senator, call him, thank him and urge him, as strongly as you can while still being respectful, to hold the line and not give in. He knows the law, let’s make sure he upholds it.
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