This week there are only two states with elections, we have ND and WI. ND is just one school district, while WI is the state-wide primary, including municipal races. Please remember primaries matter just as much as general elections, and that’s even more true for the municipal races because they’re non-partisan, so two Dems could get to the general or two Republicans, and you really don’t want the second outcome.
Mon Feb 17
North Dakota
Cass County
West Fargo School District - 1 bond proposal
Tues Feb 18
Wisconsin Spring Primary
State Superintendent (the entire state votes)
Brittany Kinser (Republicans like her)
Jill Underly (WisDem endorsed)
Jeff Wright
There are also municipal primaries across the state. Unfortunately there is not a single source where you can find a list of which counties have them and which don’t, you must put your address to find the information for your ballot.
What’s on my ballot from myvote.wi
Registering to vote
Here are some states that have elections coming up where you can still register or sign up for an absentee ballot
Feb 25
California (in person same day registration)
Connecticut (in person same day)
Illinois (in person same day)
March 4
Alabama (Feb 17)
Iowa (in person same day, online -Feb 17)
Maryland (in person same day)
March 10
Connecticut (in person same day, online - Feb 20)
March 11
Minnesota (in person same day, online - Feb 18)
Alabama (Feb 24)
New Hampshire (in person same day)
New Jersey (Feb 18)
Even if your state isn’t listed, please check to see when your next election is, and even if it’s in a few weeks or months, the registration or absentee deadline might be a lot sooner, so don’t miss out on being able to vote! And please let me know if there’s anything I missed.
Your vote is your voice and that voice is your superpower, but only when you use it!
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